lose weight
Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

If you have been trying to lose weight but are feeling like you are not getting any results, then you are not alone. Unfortunately, many people struggle to lose weight for a number of different reasons. This is why the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. 

If you Google “how to lose weight”, you will come across over a billion search results that promise to provide you a solution. Unfortunately, you cannot trust them all. 

Therefore, if you are looking for practical tips on how to lose weight and keep it off, then you have come to the right place.

Let’s take a closer look at why weight is easy to gain but is hard to lose. After that, we will provide you with some weight loss tips to help you reach your goal, including exercise, diet, and mindset.

Why the weight is easy to gain but hard to lose.

You may or may not be aware that it’s very easy to gain approximately 0.5 to 1kg per year, especially as you get older, which will definitely add up over time (Hutfless et al., 2013). Therefore, if you do not take action to prevent weight gain, it will happen naturally because your metabolism tends to slow down as you age.

Slow Down, You Eat Too Fast!

Not only that, but eating too quickly has also been linked to gaining weight because the faster you eat, the more likely you are to consume more food than you actually need (Kokkinos et al., 2010). It’s very easy to eat too quickly and your body will not have time to give you the signal that you are full, which is why you are more likely to keep eating even after you are full.

water drink

Drinking Plenty of Water.

Additionally, you may not be drinking enough water, which may result in you eating when you don’t need to because you may mistake your thirst for hunger (Yosten &  Samson, 2014).

Control consumption of empty calories.

It’s also very easy to consume more calories than you intend to if you are constantly going out for snacks and alcoholic drinks with your colleagues after work.

drinks calories lose weight

This is especially true if those who are out with you are eating unhealthy foods and having a few too many alcoholic beverages. Even many non-alcoholic beverages, such as soft drinks, milkshakes, and some fancy coffees, are loaded with sugar and empty calories.

Move more, stress less, lose weight.

In addition to overeating, many people lead sedentary lifestyles which can increase the likelihood of gaining weight. A lot of people sit all day at work and drive everywhere, in addition to spending a lot of time surfing the net and watching television.

Not only that, but some people are also not getting enough high quality sleep, which has also been linked to gaining weight (Di Milia, Vandelanotte, & Duncan, 2013).

Furthermore, far too many people are stressed out which can contribute to weight gain. This is because those who are stressed are more likely to eat unhealthy foods in a rush. Some people also eat while distracted so they don’t even realize that they are overeating.

Avoid eating in front of a television.

watch TV overeatingEating in front of the TV from larger plates will also cause you to inadvertently consume more food than you really need.

Not eating enough protein nor fiber may also cause you to gain weight.

Say NO to unhealthy food!

Healthy sources of protein and fiber will help you feel full longer, which is why it’s important to eat an adequate amount on a daily basis. You may also not be eating enough fruits and vegetables while at the same time resorting to unhealthy snacks from the vending machine at your office.

Weight is difficult to lose because you are likely overestimating your daily caloric needs and underestimating your daily caloric expenditures. Not only that, but you may also have a number of seemingly harmless habits, which we discussed earlier, which may cause you to gain weight.

Recommendations for weight loss.

Now that you can see why it’s easy to gain weight, let’s examine how to properly lose it and keep it off.

While most people want to lose weight quickly, striving for gradual weight loss is much better in the long run. To be successful during your weight loss journey, it is important to be patient and consistent. Unfortunately, too many people quit working out before they see any results.

 schedule weekly plannerTo lose weight, you must consistently work out at least three or four times per week for approximately 45 minutes to one hour.

Ideally, you should consistently get at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

The most important thing about physical activity is that you have to stick with it for at least four or five months to see results.

Is cardio or weight training is better for losing weight?

You may also be wondering whether cardio or weight training is best for losing weight. The truth is, you should do a combination of both to keep your fitness routine fun and interesting.

Weight training will help you build muscle so that you can burn more calories throughout the day. weight loseNot only that, but proper weight training will also help you get stronger. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to get injured during your fitness journey.

Cardiovascular training will make your heart and lungs stronger, in addition to burning a lot of calories. Ultimately, the best workout program for weight loss is the one that you consistently follow and that you stick with the longest. You should also plan your workouts ahead of time so that you do not miss them.

elliptical cardio weight loseWorking out burns calories, which will help you create a daily caloric deficit without severe caloric restriction, which we will discuss a bit later. A consistent daily caloric deficit will help you lose weight.

To successfully lose weight, you should also avoid fad diets that promise you quick results. While fad diets may help you lose weight quickly, you will be much more likely to gain the weight back as soon as you start eating the way you did before you went on that diet.

In the long run, severe caloric restriction may cause you to binge on unhealthy foods. Therefore, it is best to consistently eat a combination of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats without overeating.

You must also consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, fiber, and water. Try to avoid drinking your calories as much as possible.  Lastly, to lose weight, it is also important to learn to reduce stress and get plenty of restful sleep.


As you can see, long term and sustainable weight loss are possible and relatively simple. However, it’s not always easy because too many people expect to lose weight fast and end up quitting their fitness programs before they see any results.

Ultimately, to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume while eating a balanced diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats.

You must also exercise regularly and decrease stress. If you follow these tips, you will lose weight over time and are more likely to keep it off


  1. Di Milia L, Vandelanotte C, Duncan MJ (2013). The association between short sleep and obesity after controlling for demographic, lifestyle, work and health related factors, Sleep Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 4,Pages 319-323, ISSN 1389-9457.
  2. Hutfless S, Maruthur NM, Wilson RF, et al. Strategies to Prevent Weight Gain Among Adults [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2013 Mar. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 97.) 
  3. Kokkinos A, le Roux CW, Alexiadou K, Tentolouris N, Vincent RP, Kyriaki D, Perrea D, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Katsilambros N, Eating Slowly Increases the Postprandial Response of the Anorexigenic Gut Hormones, Peptide YY and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 95, Issue 1, 1 January 2010, Pages 333–337.
  4. Yosten GLC, Samson WK. Separating Thirst from Hunger. In: De Luca LA Jr, Menani JV, Johnson AK, editors. Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis: Transduction and Integration. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2014. Chapter 6

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