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Get Back Into Shape After Pregnancy! What Can Help Mums?

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Get Back Into Shape After Pregnancy!

What Can Help Mums?

The pregnancy jour is quite exciting and life-changing for most women across the globe. Although it comes with numerous challenges such as sleeplessness, stress, and anxiety, the bundle of joy you receive is always worth it.

newborn baby hands momDuring pregnancy, our bodies change, and weight gain is quite common. Most mums expect the weight to shed off after delivery, but getting back into shape takes a substantial amount of time.

As most women have experienced, even after getting back into the gym and eating a healthy diet, they still gain more weight! This can be frustrating, especially if you are putting in the work to get back into shape.

Why do mums gain weight after delivery?

The main cause of weight gain after delivery is hormones, specifical prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast milk production. This hormone also stimulates your appetite.

breastfeeding mom baby nursingMost breastfeeding mums have seen that they eat more food during the lactation period. It is an adaptive trait to ensure that our little ones get enough milk, but the increased appetite may also lead to weight gain.

We’ve all heard it said numerous times that breastfeeding could help you shed extra weight. However, although full breastfeeding burns about 400 to 500 calories every day, it is still not Olympic training considering the fact that you eat more than the recommended amount of calories every day.

Most women also eat in order to deal with psychological, emotional, and physical discomfort after giving birth. Ultimately, this leads to weight gain. It is important to note that our metabolism rates also change as our bodies change. This means that we cannot lose excess weight as fast as before giving birth.

Do not make a mistake!

Most mums, however, make the mistake of not eating. Although cutting calories may seem like a good idea, it is, in fact, the wrong approach because starving yourself slows down metabolism as an adaptive nature to ensure that your body produces milk.

A recent study also revealed that mums who are in their 30s and 40s hang on to excess weight compared to mums in their 20s. It is even harder to lose more weight if you are a second-time mum. This is due to numerous factors such as stress levels, metabolism rates, time, and diets. Let’s also not forget that our bodies are different.

How can exercise help mums get back into shape?

It is not a surprise that most mums want to snap back into their pre-baby shape after delivery. Every mum wants to feel like themselves again, but it takes time and a lot of patience. The best and most healthy way to get back into shape is by regularly exercising. Postpartum weight loss can be difficult, especially because you are just becoming accustomed to your new body.

fitness weight lifting exerciseDuring pregnancy, your body stretches, and some parts move around to make sure you receive your bundle of joy.

The most important step as you begin your journey to ‘bringing sexy back’ is appreciating the changes and your new body. You should also set realistic goals to ensure that you do not push yourself too hard.

You’ve probably heard this before, “the more you move, the more calories you lose.” Being active and exercising will help you lose excess postpartum weight and get fit over a shorter period of time. Although your schedule just got a little busier, it is important to set some time aside for a good workout.

Here is a list of effective exercises to help mums lose excess postpartum weight.

1. Resistance band row (seated) – 15 reps

Seat up on the floor with your feet at 90 degrees with your shoulders back. Wrap your resistance band around your feet. Keep your chest lifted as you pull the resistance band towards you and gently release it. Do not allow momentum to take over as you release the resistance band.  This exercise targets your back, biceps, and abs.

2. Push-ups – 15 reps

Lie on the floor on your belly and use your hands to vertically lift your upper body from the floor. Keep your butt squeezed, and do not arch your back. If you cannot do a full push-up, use your knees instead of your toes and keep your feet crossed. This exercise targets your triceps, chest, abs, hips, and shoulders.

3. Resistance band biceps curls – 15 reps

Stand in a nice and upright posture, anchor your resistance band under your foot, and pull the resistance band towards your chest with one hand.  Gently release the band and resist momentum, and alternate between both hands. This exercise targets the biceps and the back.

4. Reverse lunge to a knee raise – 15 reps

Put your shoulders back over your hips, your left knee back and on the floor, and your right leg forward with your knee over your ankle (not your toes). Keep your back straight and raise your left leg with the knee in line with your hip. Hold, and repeat this motion fifteen times. Switch sides and repeat the same thing with your right leg. This exercise helps to improve balance and strengthen the lower extremities.

5. Glute hip thrusts on the back – 15 reps

Find a bench or couch on the same level as your knees and ensure that it is steady so that it doesn’t move. Wear a resistance band and lie on your couch, with the upper back being the only part that is partially supported by the bench or couch. Place your arms on your hips and put your legs slightly apart. Move your hips up and down fifteen times. This exercise targets your glutes, hips, abs, and hamstrings.  

The pregnancy and motherhood journey is quite exciting, and getting used to your new normal body is part of the excitement. Exercising can help you get back into shape and keep you healthy mentally and physically. It is important to remain consistent and enjoy your journey to becoming a great mother with an even better body. 

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