Hearts of palm pasta

Hearts Of Palm. What You Need To Know About Low-Carbs Pasta.

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What You Need To Know About Hearts Of Palm.

Many don’t know the heart of the palm tree is edible. However, it’s one of the most nutritious and versatile foods full of different vitamins and minerals such as: 

  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc
  • And much more!

Also, for a vegetable, the hearts of palm carry a generous amount of protein. It’s perfect for vegetarians who are looking for a low-calorie option for protein without relying on other vegetarian options such as almonds, chia seeds, or peas.

Hearts of palm are added to salads and other meals, but many turn to palmini pasta made from vegetables. Before we look into what palmini pasta is and what it can do for you, let’s take a closer look at some frequently asked questions about hearts of palm.

Are Hearts Of Palm Good For You?

Hearts of Palm

We already know the heart of the palm is a vegetable that comes from the inside of palm trees. They’re used for a variety of recipes, but it’s their health benefits that stand out. On top of the benefits listed above, hearts of palm are also rich in:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Carotene

Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins your body needs to maintain normal function. This vitamin found in the hearts of the palm helps protect your eyes, lowers your risk of cancer, improves your immune system, strengthens your bones, and reduces acne. 

Vitamin K is another fat-soluble vitamin typically found in leafy vegetables, but it’s also found in the hearts of palm to improve heart health and prevent blood clotting. Deficiency in vitamin K can cause some blood clotting issues, so it’s essential to get the recommended amount of vitamin K daily.

Carotene is a jack-of-all-trades provitamin that carries a lot of different benefits, from cognitive benefits to eye health. That’s because carotene found in hearts of palm is a powerful antioxidant that helps improve memory, protect skin from harmful toxins, and prevent eye diseases.

While these all sound like amazing benefits that will make you want to run out for a can of Hearts of palm, we need to look at some of the more essential questions, such as how keto-friendly they are or what they taste like.

Are Hearts Of Palm Keto-Friendly?

Many follow the keto diet for various reasons. It’s a diet people follow for different health reasons that improve when following a very low-carb yet high fat diet.

It’s a diet similar to the Atkins diet when it comes to consuming only low-carb food options. Hearts of palm are keto-friendly because they help those wanting to follow the keto diet reduce their need for regular pasta.

keto diet low cards heart of palmConsuming hearts of palm will help place the body in ketosis. This is when the body becomes efficient in using fat instead of glucose for energy.

That means, if you’re craving pasta, you’ll have a great (and nutritious) low-carb alternative.

 What Are Hearts Of Palm Pasta? 

Hertz of palm pasta joins the long list of keto-friendly “pasta” such as zucchini noodles for those who want a substitute for traditional pasta. It’s important to seek a low-carb pasta option if you want to follow the strict keto diet.

For those looking to count calories, they’re over a hundred calories less than traditional pasta, and that’s because hearts of palm are mostly made up of water and fiber. It’s almost calorie-free. Best of all, there are very few carbohydrates and no sugar, making it perfect for those on the keto diet. While that does sound great, how do they taste?

What Do Hearts Of Palm Noodles Taste Like?

Heart of palm noodles are as tasty as they are delicious. Many believe alternatives for their beloved foods never taste as good as the original. They have a firm texture and, when cooked properly, it’s almost impossible to tell you’re not eating regular wheat pasta.

They have a softer texture if you consume them right out of the can. Some find them a little too acidic, but that’s something you can fix by soaking it in milk for half an hour. If you mix them with the sauce you would normally put on regular pasta, you almost wouldn’t notice the difference. With all the alternatives on the market, such as shirataki noodles, which would you rather consume?

What Has Lower Calories And Tastes Better? Palmini Pasta Or Shirataki Noodles?

Let’s take a look at the differences between Palmini Pasta and Shirataki Noodles. Shirataki noodles are similar to Palmini Pasta in how low-calorie they are. However, they come from a completely different plant (the Konjac plant). This plant has very few carbs, much like hearts of palm, but they have a more rubbery texture.

According to WebMD, Shirataki Noodles have about 20 calories per 8-ounce serving. However, palmini noodles have even fewer calories because they’re made of water. 140 ounces of palmini noodles only contain 20 calories, which is as much as an 8-ounce serving of shirataki noodles.

If you want better-tasting noodles, you should go with palmini noodles. The reason you want to go with palmini noodles is that they’re not rubbery like shirataki noodles and when paired with the right sauce, you won’t even notice you’re not eating pasta made from flour.

Hearts of Palm pasta In the end, you need to listen to your body and go with what tastes best for you as well as what fits best in line with your nutritional goals.

If you want great-tasting noodle alternatives for keto, then palmini noodles made from hearts of palm are the perfect choice for you. 

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